Wednesday, January 15, 2020

(7) ~Is it a sacrifice? ~ Romania 🇷🇴Mission

It's hard leaving the ones you love.  We will miss arrivals of new babies, the growth of our grandchildren, activities, reunions, dinners and just hanging out with all of them. These beautiful children are the only reason we are able to go on a mission and feel good about it!  It is because of them that we won't have to worry about them, their incredible spouses and our adorable grandkids. You are all temple worthy, are teaching your children the gospel principles and bearing testimony 
of the plan of happiness, the Book of Mormon and of our loving Heavenly Father 
and His beloved Son and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you for being strong and valiant! We love you and will miss you guys tremendously.  Thank you for supporting us and Marco Polo'ing us so we can still see the kids and be a semi~part of your life! You are the cream of the crop. ~ Thank you~

~ The love of family is life's greatest blessing ~

In this life there are a lot of sacrifices that everyone has to make. Of course we will miss our old life, our family, our friends but what a tremendous blessing to serve a Mission.  We've already seen miracles ~ at home and abroad.  We know our children will be watched over and cared for.  Our hope is that by serving a mission and helping others, we can bring the joy and happiness of the Gospel into other peoples life. We don't see it as a Sacrifice ~ not at all. We owe our whole life to Heavenly Father ~ everything we have is because of Him.  Without the Savior and His sacrifices our life would be pointless ~ without hope. When we look around us at all the blessings we have been given it is only right to give others the opportunity to Come unto Christ.  If we can be a small part of that, it will be no sacrifice at all.