Saturday, February 24, 2018

~Oh, Hush Thee, My Baby

February 25, 2018
Sweet Baby Penny's Blessing Day!

Isn't she the most perfect baby in the world.
She was so quiet as Kenny gave a beautiful blessing to her.

Penny is our 14th grandchild, 7th granddaughter.
Don't you just love how she is looking at the camera!

Kenny and Lindsay are such amazing parents and love this little baby more than life itself!
Such a fun day with friends and family.

This gorgeous blessing dress was Lindsays' grandmothers; what a beautiful
tradition to pass down to her great granddaughter.  Lindsay got this blanket
from her travels in Jerusalem right before her and Kenny were married.
The Matthews Clan that were able to join in this sacred day: Sarah and Timmy, me (Jamie), Lindsay and Kenny, Kelli, Lincoln, London and Robbie. Billy was in Cambodia (so Kenny could be here) so
he was unable to be here (which it was a bit more important for Kenny to be here than Bill πŸ˜‰)!

There is nothing better than having family around.

The worthy Priesthood bearers who stood in the circle as Kenny gave Penny a blessing.
This is Lindsay and Kenny with Lindsays' side of the family:
Grandma Hayes, Aunt and Sisters.

Grandma on her Mothers' side and Aunt and cousins.
Lindsays oldest Sister, Heidi, and family!
Both Great Grandmothers ~ how great is that!
It just wouldn't be a party without little Linc around πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‰!

A big thanks to Kelli for letting me use her camera/phone!
It's easy to tell the ones taken with her phone compared to the ones
with my phone . . . time for a new phone πŸ˜‰

Monday, February 5, 2018

~ a thousand miles

February 5, 2018

πŸ˜•πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜―Leaving Cambodia and Billy 😞😦πŸ˜₯. 
My 37 hour travel journey begins as I am heading home to Utah!   
There was a delay at the Cambodia Airport so I FaceTimed with 
Billy for a bit and that was sweet and comforting.  I do miss that guy!

 Suvarnabhumi Airport ~ Thailand
The flight from Cambodia to Thailand was only about an hour long 
and uneventful. The check-in gate in Thailand did not open for a
 couple of hours so I just hung around at the front of the line, read 
and waited. Everyone was very nice and I ended up getting 
1500 Baht ($45) and (as you can see above) I found some 
comfort at the VIP Lounge; courtesy of Delta due to my luggage 
being held in LA instead of arriving in Thailand 2 weeks ago!
(I missed you, but so glad you found me!)

Even though it is a very sad day for me, I had to look on the bright 
side and that happened to occur right when I boarded the plane . . . 
πŸ˜€Paradise in the Sky πŸ˜€! It didn't take me long to settle in 
and think good thoughts (and here comes a few now . . .)
^^^πŸ˜‹ Need I say more? πŸ˜‰^^^
Sun~Mon - Shanghai, Pudong Airport
After leaving Thailand and arriving in Shanghai, China I de-boarded and had a 6 hour lay-over.  Inside the terminal I did some brisk walking from one end to the other. It was so freezing in the airport that I was doing everything I could to stay warm.  I stopped in Starbucks for a little hot cocoa and met a man from India; we visited for a little bit and then I was going to start walking again when I thought that, perhaps, since I was admitted into the VIP Lounge in Thailand I might also be able to get into the VIP Lounge here. Sure enough I handed over my boarding pass and miraculously was granted entrance!  Now here comes the amazing part; downstairs there was food galore, but after eating the smorgasbord of food on the plane I wasn't really hungry so I followed a sign that said, Massage Chairs Upstairs.  Well, up I headed!  There was one chair available but as I set down I couldn't get it to work.  There was a young kid about 36, who I asked assistance from.  He said I could have his chair as he was just leaving to go take a shower . . .  WHAT?  Could I have heard him correctly?  Yes, apparently this is how the better half lives.  This VIP Lounge offers the best of the best!  He left and I literally sat in his chair for 2 1/2 hours until I had to go to the bathroom (and couldn't hold it any longer, try as I might).  You can imagine my delight to come back and have my chair still empty so I was able to sit for another 1 1/2 hours.  It was the most incredible chair I have ever sat in.  It even massaged the bottom of my feet & as you can see in the above picture it massaged each side of my face, too!
Just kidding! But it is a little funny that they had this open bar in the VIP Lounge.  Did you know, in the olden days, they served little bottles of liquor, free of charge, on the airplanes? Even when I was 16 (and Aunt Jill was 3 years older than me) I was offered some on each flight I took but Jill was not?  This never went over well with her (although now she thrives on the fact that I look older)!

Time to board and settle in for 11 hours over the North Pacific Ocean! 
Hmmmmm, what to do?

Lots of Scrumptious Food (is that Lobster again πŸ˜‰), 

some fun TV (is that my own personal big screen TV 😏)
and reading the Book of Mormon (is that the best book in the world πŸ˜‡)! 
Yes, these are a few of my favorite thing!  
I'm not as diligent as I should be but I do enjoy reading the BoM for long periods of time and airplane time is the best!  And to make things more exciting I happened to be in my favorite part of the Book of Mormon when Ammon is rejoicing from the goodness of God for all those souls that were found and who accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He knows it is all because of Heavenly Father and His mercy towards all men!  I do love all the chapters in Alma but chapter 26 is my favorite and I especially love these verses 12, 35, 36, 37.
Sneak peek ~ 12 Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not 
boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, 
many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.

The trip was great, but arriving in LA was a bit of a rude awakening because 
they forgot that I was a Very Important Person and I was treated like (I was 
going to write "a peon" but just learned that there seems to be a derogatory connotation to it so I will just say) the rest of the normal people, just like before.
I made it SLC around 1am and Kenny picked me up. I got my car from 
their place and headed home to Provo. Missing Bill so much already!