Wednesday, January 22, 2020
I arrived in Denver late Tues evening and drove to Marcie and Jamis’ home;
the kids were still up so I got to visit and play with them for a few minutes 👵
👧👦👧👦👧! Marce and I spent Wed shopping with this Cutie Patootie (Hazel)
and I bought myself a coat since I failed to bring a winter coat to Romania (intending to buy one there but realized I could find a better one in Colorado)!
Hazel had a birthday this month so we got to celebrate that along with Papa's birthday (through FaceTime). It was a little bitter/sweet because Bill and I didn't think we would be spending time apart again, especially on his birthday. So we all sang to him and I sent him a love letter along with this picture I got off of Instagram:
After a great visit, a wonderful sleep, seeing these adorable babies and
before leaving Denver, Marcie gave me a cute mini case of DoTerro oils
for my knees (and other things), the oils were very soothing!
I rented a cute little car and was off to Rocky Ford, Thursday morning. As you know, last May we decided to put our papers in (to try again) to serve a Mission. After a year of eye surgeries and Bill's hip replacement and a couple more surgeries for both of us we felt it was the right time to go. Both my parents were still alive but my Mom's health had deteriorated quite a bit the last month so we knew her time was soon coming to an end. My Dad's Nursing home, on the other hand, kept assuring me that my Dad was slowing down but that he was doing as good as ever. They never once acted like he was anywhere close to dying even though I asked them to let me know if they ever felt like he was getting close. Even the week before we left he had had a chest X-ray and it was perfectly clear; I called and talked with them every night the week before we left and they were always positive and indicated that he still had plenty of years ahead of him. The day we left they asked if I would like Hospice to come in (I'm sure they got worried that I had called every day that week) and I said. "Sure!". My Mom was on Hospice almost a year and it was fantastic (she really didn't "need" it until the last couple months before she passed but it certainly was a bonus). A couple days after arriving in Romania, I received a call from the Hospice Nurse and she said, "Your Dad is not doing well at all." It took them all of one minute for them to know that he was failing fast. So here I am ready for another little dip in the road on our journey! All is good!