Friday, January 10, 2020
There are these gorgeous murals at the MTC and this by far was one of our favorites (I wish I would have gotten a picture of each one). In many ways we feel like the sons of Mosiah; we've completed the MTC training and now we are ready to head out on our new adventure. We are going into uncharted territory, we only have a small comprehension of the language, and we will be leaving our family. But unlike the sons of Mosiah our journey will not come close to being even a smidgen of a challenge as theirs was; we will not be tortured, we will not be entering into a bloodthirsty nation nor will we be prosecuted. We will not have any of the hardships like these amazing men; but our purpose will be the same. We will go and invite all we meet to Come unto Christ and rejoice in his goodness.
One of my all time favorite scriptures is in Alma chapter 26 verse 11 and 12:
". . . Ammon said unto him (to Aaron): I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God. Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."
If we can help bring even one soul unto Christ we will rejoice in the glory of
God. There are so many people searching for the Gospel and the light of
Christ; we will try to be the Lord's instrument and listen to the Holy Ghost. While listening to promptings we hope to help bring them back to his fold!
When our grandson, Kobe, left on his Mission last year he went to the MTC down in Mexico. He was so excited and has already lit that country on fire! The spirit of these young missionary's, the goodness in their hearts and the desire to sacrifice 1-1/2 to 2 years of their lives is truly remarkable. These kids are young warriors and they are truly amazing. They are all volunteers and use their own money to do the Lord's work while they serve! Examples to us all!
This picture was hanging on a wall at the MTC; it is of two young
missionary's taken back in the 70's. They were Bill's companions
over 40 years ago in the Oklahoma Mission! This picture was taken in
Arkansas the same time Bill's apartment burnt down! How crazy cool is that (well, not the burned down part)!
We are as ready as can be and just as excited! The days may have been slow and filled to the brim, but this week has flown by.
I can’t wait for anyone who has ever even thought about going on a mission, to go! The beginning of this next journey, starting at the MTC, was wonderful!
Good-bye for now my new friend! A quick thank you to the most amazing speakers, teachers, instructors, activities, videos, meals, friendships and the strong spirit here at the MTC! You will be missed 😇💙😇💙😇!