Monday, January 20, 2020

(11) ~flight back to the USA ~ (Romania 🇷🇴Mission)

My journey back to America begins!  After getting on the plane I was looking forward to a long sleep. Since we arrived in Romania I have been fighting sleep deprivation and my knees have been hurting a bit; I’m sure it has something to do with walking a hundred miles and going up and down stairs at all the Metro Stations!  My knee braces stopped working after the 2nd day and even indoors I had to use our ironing board as a crutch 😆(while outside Bill had to start carrying me 😅)!  On top of that and after being sleep deprived all week long you would have thought I would have just passed out on the plane. Unfortunately, I was seated by a snorer.  Not just any snorer, mind you, but one who I know should have a portable C-pap machine with him at all times (I’m talking from experience here).  Anyhooo, I videoed it so you can see how I am so not exaggerating.  I was trying to talk sweetly so he would not know I was video taping his snoring but I’m not sure why I bothered because he could not hear me as he was dead to the world. This may or may not come through, don't listen to me but rather to my seat mate 😲

I took the video off as it wouldn't go through.
You will just have to take my word for it ~ this 
guy was snoring louder than Billy and you know 
how many time I've video taped him 😴😴😂!

The sweet news came when I got on the International flight ~ it was heavenly 😇
I was bumped up to Delta Comfort+ and I had all FOUR seats to myself! Yep, you heard me correctly ~ none of the other rows had 3 empty ones, just me - I'm guessing it must have been a reward for not kicking the snorer in the shins (accidentally, on purpose) as it did cross my mind a time or two!  I hurried and spread my stuff all over (just kidding, I only used 3 seats 👋👍🙌) and got all nice and cozy!  I usually enjoy long flights because it gives me time to read the BoM in longer increments, watch a movie and eat some yummy food and sleep, of course! This was no exception!