Saturday, January 11, 2020

(4) ~bitter/sweet goodbyes ~ Romania 🇷🇴Mission

Sat/Sun, January 11/12, 2020
As you can well imagine goodbyes were bittersweet. It's never easy 
saying goodbye but it was fun to be with our grandbabies over Christmas 
(those that could be here) and Robbie, Kelli, Linc, Londy the week before 
we left ! In this picture the babies are practicing Marco Polo'ing us ~ lol ~ j/k!
Kenny, Lindsay & Penny are going back to Cambodia on Tues so we got 
to see them after the night of our 1st day at the MTC; which was wonderful. 
Penny will surely be a gymnastic and always have a snack to chew on 😂
On Sunday we went to Timmy and Sarah's Ward ~ both are amazing teachers!
The Utah gang got to come over the Sunday before we left; Timmy, 
Sarah & Millie and Robbie, Kelli, Linc & Londy for one last visit!💗Little Peek-a-boo Baby💗
Each night during the week we would work on packing for the 2 years we'll be gone. Trying to organize closets, drawers, cabinets and packing them away in the garage was, needless to say, a challenge. Each day we got a little closer to being ready! It’s all the little things to think about like the mail, bank accounts, credit cards, bills, etc.! We did just walk away from our bedroom "as is"  ~ it will be a comfort to come home as if we never left it 😛!
Our friends, the Pliliers, will be house sitting until Robbie and Kelli 
move in! I’d rather just walk away from the whole thing and not 
do anything (cleaning, packing, sorting, etc.), but it will be good 
to have someone here, always watching over our home! 
We actually had friends over tonight and I was just being funny 😂😂😜! 
We are doing well and moving forward. My knees are still hurting but they 
are better since Billy bought me some super awesome knee braces (I did pull 
a muscle in my neck; it’s also getting better with heating pads and ointments 😌). 

We just need to get on the plane so I can breath again!  
Tomorrow is the big day . . .  will we make it?