Monday, January 13, 2020

(5) ~leaving the good ole USA - Romania 🇷🇴Mission

Monday, January 13, 2020
It has been a roller coaster ride these last few weeks (months)! 
But guess what? We made it! Jan and Tim (Billy’s brother 
and our sister-in-law) brought us to the airport!
 There were bittersweet good~byes like all of our good~byes 
have been BUT we are actually at the SLC airport ~ yippee !
Once we got through security and settled at our gate there was an 
announcement that our flight would be delayed.  I was actually 
very ok with this as it gave me the opportunity to organize my 
carry-on, backpack and coat pockets 😉! We sat by an amazing  
young woman who was on her way to Bulgaria to study abroad 
for a semester.  She is a Returned Missionary from Thailand.
Because we were delayed 3 hours out of SLC we missed our connecting 
flight so we were rerouted to Paris after Amsterdam then on to Romania!

Almost there 😅!