Sunday, July 31, 2016

~born to be wild

Sometimes as we traveled around Phnom Penh, Kenny would 
ridehis Motor Bike and Billy and I would follow in a Tuk-Tuk.  
It seemed easier for the Tuk-Tuk driver just to follow Kenny 
instead of Kenny constantly giving the driver directions.  After only 
short time did we realize that this was not always the best way. 
Kenny drives like he is Khmer and the Tuk-Tuk driver kept losing sight of him.  Even when we were here last summer it was hard for Billy and I to keep track of Kenny when he would get too far ahead of us.  I would try to stay right on his tail but  after almost getting run into by a car I nipped that little idea right in the bud!  Here are a few videos - Kenny is in a white shirt (far and away of us)!

Now You See Him, Now You Don't

There He Goes . . . 

Notice the people crossing the busy crazy street!

~i will survive

This is "Grandma”, she is a survivor of the Khmer Rough. 
Most of her family were not so lucky.  She does not speak a 
lick of English but does not want to go to a Cambodian 
Ward because she has too many sad memories dealing 
with the Khmer people (my guess is there is a  huge 
fear factor weighing in on this decision as well).

She is the sweetest lady! She is faithful, kind 
and dedicated to the Gospel! More on her later.

Phnom Penh International Branch
(Kenny is standing in the back row 3rd in from the left).

~i’m a believer

Friday, July 29, 2016

~put the lime in the coconut

July 2016
Pomelo's are one of my favorite fruits. I used to eat them all the time in 
Thailand where they were on every corner, peeled and ready to buy. 
They taste like a sweet grapefruit! Unfortunately, in Cambodia, they 
mostly sell the whole Pomelo and you have to peel (or cut off) the very 
thick white skins which is very difficult. The skin also taste pretty nasty if 
any is left on! As you can see in the picture when I tried to peel and cut my 
pomelo it was a disaster.  Unfortunately, they are not as easy to buy here as in Thailand so I don't get to eat them as much! But it is worth the work when I do!
The last time we got a massage we were given some dragon fruit, 
which was a delightful treat ~ usually we just get a cup of water!

Check out this "Scrumptious" menu!?!

I used to have to get my thin crusted Pizza (above) from Brooklyn Diner, but now with the new Domino's down the street this has become my place of choice!
I call these hairy-berries but they are really called Rambutan. 

They have a hard seed inside that the fruit sticks to so you 
have to bite and peel off the fruit with your teeth!

I drink this soy milk every single day! I love it! 
I drank it constantly in Thailand, too!
A few other favorite fruits are Mango, Papaya, Jackfruit, Mangosteen and Longan (I tried Longan at our Ward "Cruise Boat" Activity and it was different but kind of tasty)!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

~a big fish in a small pond

Nichada Thani, Thailand~
Monday morning, (our last day in Thailand), Bill was looking 
out the window and he saw these HUGE 9 foot fish in the lake 
down below!  I couldn't help but laugh as it brought back fun 
memories of when my Mom lived with us in Thailand.

Even from the 6th floor it was easy to 
pick out these Monstrous Creatures.

Each morning (9 years ago) my Mom would call me out of 
my bedroom and want to show me the crazy "Gigantic" 
fish that she was looking at from her bedroom window.  Since 
we had already been living in Thailand for over a year the 
sightings were lost on us. But, I must say, in her defense, 
that there really were so many different kinds of fish in that lake
with different shapes and sizes that it was a pretty spectacular sight
kind of like having your very own Aquarium in your back yard!

Well, folks, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, cuz I’m guessing that the group of fish that we saw this morning must have been the same ones that my Mom was keeping tabs on all those years ago but have now grown an additional 4 feet!! Those dudes were ENORMOUS!!! “You've just gotta see this, Kids!"

~party til the cows come home

The trip was very successful for these 2 Ranchers (albeit, a long, hot and tiring few days). We bought 15 more cows and 1 Bull and established a good working relationship with Jum.  She has a good network of Dairy Cow suppliers so hopefully this will be a great way for us to expand MooMoo Farms!!!

The Hunt Begins . . .

Kenny's first Inspection of the 1st set of Cows
Bill and Kenny off finding the best cows for MooMoo Farms!

This is actually a picture of Billy from a couple weeks down the 
road when he went back to Thailand to pick up the 15 
cows and have them transported to Cambodia.  It was a lot 
easier getting them across the border this time since Kenny 
paved the way with the last nasty ordeal when trying to get our 
first batch of cows out of Thailand.  It was still ‘no picnic’ for 
Billy but they did manage to get them here with only one fatality.
Not an easy loading process
After they were finished with all the MooMoo business they 
were able to spend some time with me and the Anderson's!

Friday, July 22, 2016

~these are a few of my favorite things

On Saturday, Grant, Barbara and I headed down to Chatuchak - 
one of the largest Open Markets in the world (it covers 27 acres)!  It's huge 
and by far the most wonderful and funnest place to shop IN THE UNIVERSE! 
(even if you do not like shopping - I promise you'd love it)!!

I managed to get some jewelry, dresses, jewelry, coconut ice cream (my favorite), jewelry, scarves, jewelry, a zillion "7-Up" popsicle sticks (I bought one every time 
I passed the cart), jewelry, shoes, jewelry, a bunch of rugs for the apartment, and oh, some more jewelry!!! A very successful and sparkling day!

Among other great things, Barbara is a fantastic 
"Fantasy Fan" writer . . . I mean she is Phenomenal, 
I'm not kidding!!  I read some 
of her stories and she really needs to write 
fiction fantasy as a career and become famous!

A few of my Favorite "Must Haves" while in Thailand!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

~up, up and away

We caught a quick flight to Don Mueng 
from Cambodia and the boys were picked 
up by Jum (the lady dairy farmer) and they 
headed to the different Dairy Farms all 
over Thailand! I arrived at Nichada Thani 
by Taxi (where I got to practice my 
extended vocabulary of Thai words; 
"Turn right", "Turn left" and "Go strait") 
and was greeted by my sweet friend Barbara 
Anderson!! She lives at Lakeshore North, the 
same Condo's that we lived in, and it looked 
the same as before just on different floors!!

I passed by the Bus Stop where Timmy's 
(Eagle Scout) benches were placed about 8 years 
ago. They were in the exact same spot where we 
left them, well, kind of, he actually placed 5 
different benches all over the complex and 3 of them 
immediately got stolen, so they gathered these 2 and 
drilled them into the cement at this one location!!
Funny Memories ~ it’s good to be back!!

~can't leave home without it

This is my FAVORITE backpack in all the world.  I got it at Hill Cumorah from Tami and Richard King and I use it for everything. It has traveled with me all over the world!!!  I’ve had it for over 10 years and the zipper was finally wearing out.  
I figured while I was here in Thailand I could get it fixed real cheap!

(Best photo shot of Me and Mr Moto (1 out of 7) taken by the sweet security guard)

I hired a Moto Taxi and he took me all over the city looking for a seamstress even though I knew there was one right outside the gate ~ language barrier :0.  After we traveled around for about 25 minutes (without any success) I asked him to take me home by a different route.  Lo and behold, as we turned the corner I spotted  an upholstery shop and had him stop.  The man said he could put in a new zipper for $3 and it would be done that night at 6pm ~ Yippee!!  So, Mr Moto took me back to Barbara’s and then proceeded to charge me $10 for his services.  Normally this would be outrageous but he agreed to go back and pick up my backpack 
(without me) and drop it off at the guard house!  WIN/WIN!

A big shout-out “Thank You” to Tami and Richard King 
for their generous hearts and kind souls!!! 
~Hill Cumorah Forever~

~i get around

Kenny took us all over Phnom Penh and 
we visited the Farm each day.  He tried to 
familiarize us to all the other good 
restaurants (besides the ‘Doggie Diner’) 
so we wouldn’t starve after he left.
Kenny makes all our days fun!
Hodge Podge Streets of Phnom Phen
One evening we went and got our hair shampooed ~ 
head massage and silky smooth hair afterwards! 
Each night we would get foot massages, too!

We checked out all the stores that carried MooMoo Milk 
and in the morning the cases were full but by the
afternoon they were almost all empty!! 
A good problem to have!

We’ve decided to go to Thailand to check out some other 
dairy’s so we had Hem (the Farm Manager) come and take 
MooMoo Dog out to the Farm while we are gone.

~doggie diner

We went out to dinner at the “Doggie Diner” (the Restaurant 
across from Tan Towers where we stayed last summer).

I wasn’t joking about the Dogs, but if you look closely you 
can see that we brought MooMoo (K&L’s dog) as well
(he's on the other side of the table at the bottom of the stairs)! 
There were only 2 dogs (plus MooMoo) 
but there were also a few cats running around~ Ewww!!

I’ll find out what the restaurants true name is, later! 
I must say it does have some scrumptious food!

"Who Let the Dogs Out? Who? Who?"

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

~home away from home~

This will be our new home away from home for the next 
couple of months!  It is in a neighborhood that  feels very 
safe and has plenty of activities going on outside; 
Construction, Markets,Street Sellers (yellers), Tuk Tuk's, etc. 
It also has a beautiful pool and exercise room downstairs! 

~welcome to moo-moo farms

We were anxious to see the Farm so we dropped off our luggage, 
cleaned up a bit and took a Tuk-Tuk out to MooMoo Farms!  

The Farm was so much more developed 
than last summer and the cows are thriving! 

Kenny has done a great job and it looks FANTASTIC!  

We have 11 Mama’s and 6 calves 
(one of the Cows died on the way over from Thailand). 

This is a picture of 2 of Lindsay’s 
students from a couple of months ago.  

Lots of local kids come out to take tours of the Farm!  

They all get a bottle of milk, which the LOVE!

We kept 3 girl calves, gave 2 bull calves to a local 
farmer and one of the baby calf’s died during birth.