Sometimes as we traveled around Phnom Penh, Kenny would
ridehis Motor Bike and Billy and I would follow in a Tuk-Tuk.
It seemed easier for the Tuk-Tuk driver just to follow Kenny
instead of Kenny constantly giving the driver directions. After only
a short time did we realize that this was not always the best way.
ridehis Motor Bike and Billy and I would follow in a Tuk-Tuk.
It seemed easier for the Tuk-Tuk driver just to follow Kenny
instead of Kenny constantly giving the driver directions. After only
a short time did we realize that this was not always the best way.
Kenny drives like he is Khmer and the Tuk-Tuk driver kept losing sight of him. Even when we were here last summer it was hard for Billy and I to keep track of Kenny when he would get too far ahead of us. I would try to stay right on his tail but after almost getting run into by a car I nipped that little idea right in the bud! Here are a few videos - Kenny is in a white shirt (far and away of us)!
Now You See Him, Now You Don't
There He Goes . . .
Notice the people crossing the busy crazy street!