Monday, January 21, 2019

~How do I love thee? Let me count the ways . . . (I)

Billy, there are a zillion reasons why I love you.  You are the love of my 
life and how very grateful I am that our worlds collided and we became one.
I love you because you finally realized that we were 
meant to be together to share our lives through Eternity.
I love you because you married me in the temple. 
What an amazing day that was ~ the beginning of true happiness.
I love that when we first met you were persistent 
in entertaining me with your wit and thought-
provoking antics; I instantly fell deeply in love.
I love you because when you put your arm 
around me, my heart melts all over again.
I love when you laugh ~ everyone wants to be around you but I am
the luckiest because I get to be around you everyday and all night long.
I love you because you want me by your side ~ always.
love that you can turn my life 
right side up when it goes upside down.
I love that you gave me 6 beautiful 
children that are who they are because of you. 
 I Have Loved You with an Everlasting Love;  
Have Drawn You with Loving Kindness.