Saturday, February 25, 2017
Our International Ward is in charge of cleaning the church once a month!
Many times I have to ask Billy to take pictures (and then I am in control of the poses 😌) but today he went all out with the snaps and did a fine job!
Unfortunately, there are only about 12 adults that show up to clean each
time so it takes us a bit longer to get the whole building cleaned!
I have to wear the mask cuz, even though all the cleaning supplies
are diluted, all of them seem to have a large amount of
windex in them so the products all smell pretty toxic!
This is Eowyn, her family was here today and she is a real hard worker!
She also happens to be in my Sunday School Class and is the Best!!!!
Billy loves to tease all the kids and they all think he is pretty funny
(which he is 😜😜😜)!
Oh, and as a reward we went out for a
little Mexican food afterwards! Scrumptious!