Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sat 3/28/20 ~online family home evening ~ Romania 🇷🇴MissionSat 3/28/20

Saturday, March 28, 2020
We have NOT 😅been called home yet! We have loved being here and serving with these amazing Missionaries and the people of Romania. As we are doing the World -Wide fast, I know we are going to see some great and marvelous things come to pass; it will be so fun to see what happens in these next few months!  These are exciting times. Trust in the Lord because he is the only one that sees the beginning from the end! We love and miss you!

Saturday, March 28, 2020
We just had our official Young Single Adult, Family Home Evening, online through social Media, meeting tonight!

We showed the "The First Vision, Now You Know” and “Joseph Smith’s First Vision” video's. We had YSA's from all over Romania and even though we were small in number we were strong in spirit! What a fun night. Elder Firth had a fun game for us to play afterward - the grand prize . . . you guessed it ~~~ a roll of toilet paper ❤️😂❤️!

At a time with chaos arising in the world lets take time to remember the words of
Gordon B. Hinckley, “Be believing, be happy, don't get discouraged. Things will work out.”
Side note: Have you seen the older video, "The Restoration"? Prizes go out to whoever can spot, Sister Matthews, Mindy Matthews York and Robbie Matthews! Good Luck! Hint: it's about 3 minutes from the start (but don't miss the beginning)!

Next week is General Conference!  It's going to be an exciting one and one we will never forget! You are in our prayers.  The Lord is bringing everyone home to their native country so we know our time will come, just not sure when.  We know He knows the reason even if we can't see it!