Thursday, January 18, 2018
Let's Facilitate Some Training
This is Bill and my 2nd semester working with Steve and Jeanne Anderson (who are the most amazing leaders over the Self Reliance Program). Tonight was our first meeting with a few of our YSA's (young single adults) down at BYU; they're getting trained on how to be facilitators at the Wednesday/Sunday SR classes.
This is Bill and my 2nd semester working with Steve and Jeanne Anderson (who are the most amazing leaders over the Self Reliance Program). Tonight was our first meeting with a few of our YSA's (young single adults) down at BYU; they're getting trained on how to be facilitators at the Wednesday/Sunday SR classes.
Billy and I bring refreshments (usually 20 kids on Sundays and about 150 on Wednesday night which include the Institute kids) and decorate the tables
(that's mostly my part)! Tonight we had Ice Cream and Apple Pie!
This was at the end of the evening - the table didn't look too exciting by this time!
Jeanne was helping distribute the BYU Creamery ice cream!
There were only 5 kids that showed up tonight, a few had excuses and the others must have had something come up or forgot. We'll have the huge kickoff Devotional this Sunday with, hopefully, about a hundred kids.
Kierren, our London Church Leader, asked if I got a new hair cut -
I just pointed out a few of these split ends 😂😉😝!