Sunday, March 12, 2017

~10 little angels

Today we talked about, "How can relying on the Savior's grace help me become a better teacher?"
In our efforts to teach the gospel, we may sometimes experience feelings of inadequacy. But we can take courage from the Lord’s promise that His “grace is sufficient ... [to] make weak things become strong” (Ether 12:27). As we humble ourselves, acknowledge our weaknesses, and exercise faith in Jesus Christ, He will strengthen us to teach His gospel in a manner pleasing to Him. knows of our anguish, and He is 
there for us. Like the good Samaritan 
in His parable, when He finds us 
wounded at the wayside, He binds up 
our wounds and cares for us. 
Brothers and sisters, the healing 
power of His Atonement is for 
you, for us, for all. 
(Dallin H Oaks)

Then onto the greatest calling in the church ~ back to the nursery with these sweet little children!
The 3rd hour of church just fly's by!!
After taking a break over Christmas it was hard to remember exactly what 
we needed to do during singing time!  Just a little "freezing" game reminded us that if we're not sitting down we won't be able to finish our song 👶👼👶