April 2017
Charlotte was Baptized today!
"I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints"
There were so many things that prepared Charlotte for this special day.
She attended Sacrament and Primary class each week, read the scriptures
with her family and participated in Family Home Evening. She met with the
Bishop and learned about what it means to be baptized and becoming
a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. The Sister Missionary’s visits
were always a highlight as they discussed Gospel principles and
answered any questions Charlotte might have.

As Jamis raised his hand to the square, said a prayer and immersed
Charlotte into the waters of baptism there was a very quiet reflective
moment as I remembered my own baptism and how thrilling it was to
be a part of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ with the blessings
of the priesthood and the knowledge of the Plan of Happiness.

Bill and I flew strait to California from Cambodia to
be a part of this sacred day. What a glorious, fun day
this was to see our adorable, sweet granddaughter baptized!

The program was so sweet and I had the opportunity to speak on the
Holy Ghost. I shared the “Wayne” story and spoke about how listening
to the Holy Ghost will give us comfort, help us to know what to do in
any given situation and guide us as we are an instrument in
Gods hands as we strive to be more like Christ.

So many friends and neighbors came to celebrate with Charlotte.

The Sister Missionary's taught Charlotte about the principles
of the Gospel and this big decision she was about to make.
We are so proud of Charlotte and this sacred decision she has made.
Jamis, Papa and other worthy priesthood holder laid their hands
on Charlottes head and she received the Gift of the Holy Ghost;
~ my most favorite gift in the whole wide world!
"The first day of the rest of my life!"
It is such a divine blessing that Charlotte has been baptized!