Monday, August 17, 2020

Transfers to Sibiu ~ Romania 🇷🇴 Mission ~

April 21, 2020
Field Trip #3 ~ Sibiu
This is our new friend Sora Olfa Haji! She is a beautiful Romanian sister who, because of the pandemic, just got back from AZ after serving a year there. After she quarantined at her home, here in Bucharest, we were able to drive her to her new location to finish out her mission. She is adorable, beautiful and so spiritual ~ what a joy for Romania to have her back with us during the Pandemic!
It's about a 4 hour drive to Sibiu from Bucharest.  Once we got out of Bucuresti we began seeing flat areas of land then we traveled along the Olt River Valley. Gorgeous! The Olt Valley is one of the most beautiful and impressive areas in Romania. 
The river flows through spectacular gorges and you can see a whirling motion as it moves downstream. The actual city of Sibiu is not too touristy but it is like the beautiful little towns in Spain and Italy (so I've been told 😉) with a gorgeous plaza and cobblestones streets.
We went through valley after valley of rushing water and green hills that went on and on and on ~ so beautiful!
As we got closer to the city and out of the mountains there were many horse drawn carts that the Gypsies use for their mode of transportation and livelihood.
As we approached the city it flattened out quite a bit; it was still pretty with many unique and fun houses.  
We had a wonderful welcoming party ~ Sora Collins (Washington State), Sora Pierce (Australia) and Sora Elmont (Utah)! Our sweet Sora Haji looks like she will fit in beautifully!
Our Sibiu Sora's were ready and excited for Sora Haji's arrival.  What a gorgeous sight!
To tell you the truth it was a little hard for me to leave Sora Haji behind ~ she seemed so young and although she had already served a year it just felt wrong to leave her without us remaining with her to help her adjust.  It reminded me of when our eldest daughter, Mindy, went off to college.  She was so young (17), had graduated early and I was just spending a few days with her in Utah and then just leaving her there to start school at BYU.  As I left early that morning it broke my heart as she was crying while she was brushing her teeth; it just felt wrong to leave her alone there at Grandpa and Claire's home.  We arrived at the airport and sat down in the waiting area (this was a time when friends could come and sit in the waiting area with you before you got on the plane).  I am not sure why Mindy didn't come to the airport with us 😕 but she had stayed home.  As we were sitting there one of the airline attendants asked if there was anyone willing to give up their seat.  I jumped up and ran over and told them that I wanted to give up my seat!  I was so happy and felt so blessed that I could go back and be with Mindy for a little longer.  As we arrived home I ran downstairs and Mindy was still crying (and it seems like she was still brushing her teeth 😏). We embraced and she told me she had prayed that I would come back.  It was a tender moment and I'll be forever grateful to Heavenly Father for answering this sweet, baby of mine, prayers.  We spent Sunday going to the temple and walking around and talking nonstop.  It was so wonderful having that one day that was just the two of us visiting and talking about her fears and a little anxiety of being there on her own.  We drove down to Provo that afternoon and by this time many of the other students had begun arriving and her roommate had also showed up!  It was great that she could meet other "newbies" and feel like she was not so alone.  It is hard letting your children go off to anywhere but it only took about 2 days for Mindy to realize that she was going to have the time of her life over the next year!
Here they are in their official capacity!
The trip home was nice and relaxing and gave us time to talk about the upcoming week ~ we have a busy month ahead of us but it is always fun to get out of the city for a "mini" vacation! As we watch these adorable missionaries it helps us to understand how wonderful it was for our children when they served missions.  These kids learn so much as they serve, teach and share their testimonies with others and with each other.  We can already see so much growth and their development over the last few months.  How great it would have been to have been a 'fly on the wall' in each of our childrens missions (and to have Kobe, or any of our grandchildren, serve in the same mission as we are in ~ that would be a dream come true ~ but I certainly couldn't promise that there wouldn't be a little nepotism from us 😉😏😁)! 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

~Oh what a Day ~ Shehan's Baptism ~ Romania 🇷🇴 Mission ~

Shehan's Baptism
August 15, 2020
Shehan is from Sri Lanka ~ oh, my goodness ~ he is the kindest soul you will ever meet! He asked Elder Matthews to Baptize him ~ such a sweet honor for Bill. I was asked to talk about the Holy Ghost and shared the story of when Kenny broke his tibia and after we left the Payson hospital I was prompted to take him straight to Dr Hoggards' to get antibiotics for Kenny's infected leg that the hospital somehow "missed" 😥😦😳 (he also counseled us on the over abundance of meds that the hospital sent home with us). It is pretty profound the way that the Holy Ghost guides, comforts and warns us.
Sora Kartchner and Sora Bauco (Mihai Bravu) made these beautiful invites and programs for Shehan's Baptism! They are the cutest!

Elder Sarkady conducted (his first time - did it like a pro). Tibe, our District President, presided and translated for us (he is amazing and does most of the translating for everything here in Romania). Danny played the piano for the service; he is so talented and he is a professional violinist! Sora Kartchner spoke on Baptism (I couldn't sneak in a picture of her because I was sitting on the stand 😉)!  There was such a great turnout for Shehan's baptism and the spirit was strong.  Shehan makes friends so easily and makes others feel welcomed, loved and comfortable around him. We love him so much 💕😊💕!

I also made him a little book that had all the scriptures (that I could find) about the Holy Ghost, quotes and stories, etc., for him to have as a reference and memory.  The Missionary's all wrote sweet messages to him that he will be able to put in there as well!

A little visiting and fun time before we got started

After the talks we all gathered around the font with great anticipation! He had such an outpouring of love from all of the people who came out to support him. Since not everyone could attend we were able to set up a table with Bill's computer on it so those that wanted could watch it over Zoom.  This was especially sweet for our new Mission President, Pres Rucker and his adorable wife.
A few pics before the big moment! Sora Kartchner (in the black dress) has been with Shehan since the beginning with Sora Smith (gold skirt).  Once Sora Smith was transferred Sora Bauco (far left) continued teaching him with Sora Kartchner.

After the baptism Shehan received the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands from Elder Matthews.  Other Melchizedek Priesthood holders were invited to stand in the circle to participate in the ordinance.  What a remarkable gift Jesus Christ willingly gave to us; to have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion (Acts 8:14-17).

Shehan was welcomed into our little Panduri Branch by the Branch President, President Bobeanu.  Then Shehan bore a sweet testimony and shared his love of the Savior and the blessing of the Gospel in his life.

Yummy refreshments afterwards; we love to use Mindy's little trick of strawberry shortcake in a cup 😋💛😋.  At most of the events we go to, I give the missionary's my camera to go around and take 5 to 10 pictures of everyone.  They can't resist taking a few "selfies" along the way 😅😎😆(which I love)! 
1. Sora Fauslev: Humanitairian Missionary, BFF and partner in crime 2. Sora Philips, Shehan, Sora Pallo  3. Sora Gaskin, Sora Smith, Sora Pearse, Sora Matthews (me 😉) 4. Sora Kartchner, Sora Bacao, Me, Shehan, Sora Perry, Sora Guest 5. Elder Beck, Sora Doru, Diana and Elder Sarkady.
Sora Smith, Shehan, Sora Kartchner
Sora Matthews, Sora Smith,  SHEHAN, Sora Katchner, Sora Bacao
Sora Smith, Shehan, Sora Kartchner, Sora Bacao
A quick overview of Shehan's conversion. Shehan had met some missionaries this February but wasn't really interested in visiting with them.  Then when the pandemic hit, our missionaries did all their contacting on Facebook. Shehan decided to respond to the Sora's post (in Mihai Bravu)! Sora Smith (left) and Sora Kartchner's (right) taught Shehan and spent much time with him teaching lessons and answering any and all questions ~ and, as the story goes, the rest is history.  
He was so receptive and had many questions for the Sora's.  When they were able to meet in person, the Sora's invited me and/or Elder Matthews to join in the lessons. He was so humble and sincere. 
Sora Smith, Sora Kartchner, Shehan, Me and Elder Sellar on WhatsApp behind the hymn books!
Since Shehan's 2nd language is english, Elder Matthews contacted the Sri Lanka Mission President to see if there were any native speakers in Shehan's city. There was a Sri Lanka Missionary who had been serving in Brazil that was sent back home because of the Pandemic.  He was waiting for his companion to get out of quarantine who had just returned from the Philippines, also because of the pandemic.  The Sri Lanka Mission President gave the number of this missionary, Elder Stellar, to Bill who passed it on to the Sora's.
Now as the Sora's taught Shehan he could also ask questions of Elder Jedrick Sellar, through Zoom, in his own language (also, to make sure Shehan understood all the lessons and answers since English is his 2nd language).  The highlight for me was when Elder Sellar said the closing prayer in Shehan's native language; this touched me so deeply because for the first time Shehan knew every word that was spoken in this prayer.  The spirit was so strong and it made me weep as I thought about what brought each one of us to this point in our life and how blessed we are to be here.  What are the chances of these 2 young woman, one from Washington and the other from Minnesota who came to serve in Romania and met Shehan who is from Sri Lanka and had a missionary who was serving in Brazil but was home in Sri Lanka at the time where we could connect with him to help continue teaching Shehan - what are the chances, right ~ there are no "coincidences" where the Lord is concerned.  This is a sweet miracle where everything was lined up perfectly for Shehan to have the opportunity to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Every story of conversion is just like this, just different versions and situations.  I love it and it always makes me reflect on my own conversion and how Kenna Nolen invited me to seminary one winter day in 1977.  I will forever be grateful for her example and boldness in sharing the Gospel with me.

During Shehan's journey he began attending Sacrament meeting, Sunday School and the Saturday night Activities. He is a delight and everyone loves him. This is a picture from one at our YSA activities where Shehan had called his Mom and I got to visit with her for a few moments.  If I thought Shehan was a saint before, it was confirmed after meeting his Mom ~ it was easy for me to see how he was raised.  I love her so much and it was a pleasure meeting and visiting with her!
Needless to say it was an amazing and spectacular day💙😇💙!

Monday, August 3, 2020

Family Home Evening ~ Romania 🇷🇴 Mission ~

  February 2/7/20
Faith Promoting
We had a wonderful time tonight! As you can see in the invitation, our addresses here are bizarre.  As specific as they are our GPS gets more confused than not!
We took a few minutes at the beginning of the night to eat some pizza and visit and get to know one another.
We watched a video presentation "The Book of Mormon"; the new series the church put out ~ absolutely fabulous, and then Elder Firth gave a sweet lesson and testimony.
As most of you know, I L💙VE playing games ~ ANY game ~ if I come across a game that I don't particularly like I will still play it just to be playing (e.g. TIME'S UP 😏!)!
Our 5 finalists ~ I can't remember who the final two were but it was a great night and a super success to bring everyone together for a fun night of socializing and spiritually feasting.
Our turn out was great and I think our goal was accomplished: 
Faith Promoting, Humorous and Entertaining!
See you next week!