Robbie's Birthday Dinner~
We celebrated Robbie's Birthday Dinner at 'The Cheesecake Factory'.
We had a great waiter and the food was so deeee-licious!
We had a hard time with Robbie keeping his eyes open. The flash on the
camera was pretty powerful and every picture found him with his eyes shut!
Here is his Yummy Birthday Cookie~Dough Cheesecake!
Third picture Robbie's eyes were still closed 😂.
I've been wearing my eye patch pretty much nonstop. I've found that it helps with my
headaches caused by my left eye trying to focus when it's open and my right eye competing
with it to see through the blur of oil (I try to remember to take it off when we take pictures)!
Finally I turned off the flash and we got a good picture with Robbie's eyes opened
(in spite of it being a bit dark and blurry)! HaPPy BiRThDaY to Our Sweetest ROBO!!!