Monday afternoon (01/16/17) the back of my leg, below my knee cap, started hurting. I was limping and had a hard time walking on it. In the middle of the night when I got out of bed I couldn't even put any weight on it. I figured out that if I walked with both my legs bent, with me bent over, I could shuffle on my tippy toes to get around. Tuesday morning it was worse and I started worrying (and was a bit scared) that it could be a blood clot since there was no other symptoms present that would indicate anything else. I told Billy we needed to go to the hospital so we stopped for a short 10am meeting then got to the hospital around noon. The doctor looked at it and sent me for an Ultrasound and blood work which, fortunately, showed that it wasn't a blood clot (as far as they could tell).
Monday afternoon (01/16/17) the back of my leg, below my knee cap, started hurting. I was limping and had a hard time walking on it. In the middle of the night when I got out of bed I couldn't even put any weight on it. I figured out that if I walked with both my legs bent, with me bent over, I could shuffle on my tippy toes to get around. Tuesday morning it was worse and I started worrying (and was a bit scared) that it could be a blood clot since there was no other symptoms present that would indicate anything else. I told Billy we needed to go to the hospital so we stopped for a short 10am meeting then got to the hospital around noon. The doctor looked at it and sent me for an Ultrasound and blood work which, fortunately, showed that it wasn't a blood clot (as far as they could tell).
The doctor said he needed the Surgeon to give a 2nd opinion. After an hour and a half (it being everyones lunch break) the "Surgeon" from Thailand came in (I think sometimes they confuse 'surgeon' with 'specialist'). He asked a lot of questions then he started manipulating the spot. This hurt but actually seemed to help (and at this point I didn't care about anything as long as it wasn't a blood clot). He then injected some pain medicine in my leg (twice) with a very long needle (yipes - hurt like the dickens). He still couldn't bend it strait without me screaming (inside) but when I stood up it did seem less painful (at least I had to believe that or else he would have felt like a failure). He was pretty sure it was gastrocnemius spasm/contraction. He just knew that the shot would make all the pain go away so I was trying to accommodate his hope!! He told me to rest or exercise whichever felt best (?) Hmmmmmm, I think I'd better rest!
Wednesday - My leg felt 90% better - I still babied it but it seemed on the mend. We got a massage that night and that felt great and I think we finally found an ok girl - (at least she didn't constantly rub the skin, repeating an up and down motion, over and over for 5 minutes in the same place ~ so this alone made her pretty good)! Thursday - My leg is hurting again this morning and I can't bend my leg strait without causing pain (just like before but not quite as excruciating, which is a good sign). I think the pain meds just wore off so now it will just be a matter of time before it gets better (and some Advil). With all the manipulating of my leg my knee is really sore, too. I know, at some point, I will need both my knees replacement but what I'm hoping is that I can just get another gel treatment along with cortisone shots before our mission in May and that will carry me along for a bit longer!