Sunday, December 24, 2017

~i hear those sleigh bells ringing

Family at a Christmas Cabin 2017
The Arrival, Dinner and the Nativity
Since we thought we were going to be in India on our mission this year we didn't reserve an Airbnb
for our Christmas Family Reunion until late in the season.  The home we did get was a
bit older than the last one but it ended up being spacious and perfect for us!
Bill and I arrived early and found a few little creature droppings throughout the kitchen.
We went to the store and got some contact pape and did a major clean-up!
The weather was gorgeous, snowy and cold.  Our driveway was super steep and
when Jamis and Marcie arrived they had to put chains on their tires just to get
up the driveway (Robbie helped gun it up until it got stuck half way up)!

Everyone arrived at different times so we got to greet each group as they trickled in which
was such fun.  Kelli organized a schedule for dinner assignments and the first couple
days Kelli, Lindsay and I got the kitchen in order and helped each other with the food.

It was so wonderful having family dinners;
sitting around, visiting and eating great food prepared by . . . everyone!
Mary and Joseph discussing their scene with the angel and baby Jesus listening in!

Loved that Robbie volunteered to play a wiseman as we were a little short on participants!

Christmas Eve is always the best night of the Christmas Season! I love to hear
Bill read from the scriptures the account of the Savior's Birth and the
reenactment by our children and now our grandchildren of that beautiful event.