Monday, October 16, 2017

~ Oh My!?!

Oct 23, 2017
Lindsay is back from Cambodia (and is 7 months pregnant 😇)!  
It is so great to have her home safe and sound in America! 
With all my eye problems I was unable to finish packing out the St George condo so Billy had to go back down and do it all by himself.  My friend LeAnn was between jobs so she was able to help - a real like saver! After things were settled (packed and unpacked in the Alpine basement garage) Lindsay needed to collect their items as they were moving into her grandma's basement.
 Unfortunately, when men pack and unpack they do it completely different than how women would 
do it.  Our situation was no different.  Now, I cannot complain because it really could not have been 
done differently because I could not see out of my left eye, I was still suffering with headaches and I 
could not lift anything, hold or do a lot because of my eye and all the surgeries.  Lindsay couldn't do 
much either because of her pregnancy.  But still, opening that garage door and seeing the huge, 
disorganized mess was a bit overwhelming for the both of us. 
Sad, difficult situation!