August 2, 2014
We've had a change in our YW's Presidency.
Lori Jennings is a cute creative neighbor who I'm really excited to work with and have
join the Young Women's program here in the 17th Ward, St George Stake! And with
this change a long overdue "makeover" of our Young Women's room was in order.
This is something I've wanted to do ever since we came back from being in the other
chapel on Main Street (while our ward building was being remodeled) but never took
the time (or energy) to complete this task. I am such a 'social' worker (for me, this
means that I like having others around when I do projects) so when we called Lori I
knew she would be just the gal to help me accomplish this task! We spent a few days
and enough hours to make this one of our projects in the Personal Progress Program!
First we took down all the previous pictures and Lori began working on our "Come Unto Christ"
mutual theme and flag banner while I got our motto and monthly lesson and other pictures framed.
So many wonderful and amazing programs within the
Young Women's organization! It's exceptional and truly inspired.
~ Now for the "Before" and After" pictures ~

Now for the rest of the "AFTER" pictures . . .
(I had to post every one of the "after" pictures because it was such a fun project
and it turned out so wonderful ~ the room sets the mood and is conducive to
a feeling of contentment, learning, well-being and spirituality).and it turned out so wonderful ~ the room sets the mood and is conducive to

In these pics you can kind of get a better idea of the whole room. The door the
girls enter is on the right (west side) and the east wall has a picture of the Savior.
girls enter is on the right (west side) and the east wall has a picture of the Savior.

Each month we focus on a different value, this month was on knowledge (green): "Seek learning, even by study and also by faith (D&C 88:118). I will continually seek opportunities for learning and growth"

The Motto and Torch picture along with the monthly lesson and our YW's scripture are
seen as you come into the room and on the piano is our Personal Progress "treat" jars.
Each time a YW completes one of the value experiences in Faith (white), Divine Nature
(blue), Individual Worth (red), Knowledge (green), Choice & Accountability (orange),
Good Works (yellow), Integrity (purple) or Virtue (gold) she gets to get a treat from one
of the value jars. Just another incentive tactic to help the girls strengthen their testimonies
of Jesus Christ, strengthen both their present and future families, prepare to be worthy to
make and keep sacred temple covenants and prepare for their future roles and responsibilities.

As the Young Women enter the room they get a "treat" for just being there. Then they
find their notebook (spiritual journal) and take a seat. The theme, value and 'another' treat
are displayed as well (for those that brought their scriptures and personal progress book)!
As you can see, I am really into treats - I like to refer to them as positive reinforcements - I
figure that everyone likes rewards - for those in the work force their reward is a paycheck,
for those that come to YW's theirs is a spiritual experience along with a yummy treat.
On the main table is a basket for handouts, a few extra Book of Mormon's, some True to
the Faith books (one of my all time favorite books in the whole wide world), pencils, etc..

We're all ready for an enriching and enlightening lesson from one of our fantastic leaders!

On to the back wall! It was just blank so I bought 2 bulletin boards and had Bro Fisher put them up for me, we (he) also moved the hymnal case to the east wall (from the west wall where we put the picture of the St George Temple).

. . . or should I say, "The Beginning"!
Side note: after the room was finished we started getting a lot of people coming in
during the 2nd block and just hanging out; it was a very inviting and cozy room to be in!
seen as you come into the room and on the piano is our Personal Progress "treat" jars.
Each time a YW completes one of the value experiences in Faith (white), Divine Nature
(blue), Individual Worth (red), Knowledge (green), Choice & Accountability (orange),
Good Works (yellow), Integrity (purple) or Virtue (gold) she gets to get a treat from one
of the value jars. Just another incentive tactic to help the girls strengthen their testimonies
of Jesus Christ, strengthen both their present and future families, prepare to be worthy to
make and keep sacred temple covenants and prepare for their future roles and responsibilities.

As the Young Women enter the room they get a "treat" for just being there. Then they
find their notebook (spiritual journal) and take a seat. The theme, value and 'another' treat
are displayed as well (for those that brought their scriptures and personal progress book)!
As you can see, I am really into treats - I like to refer to them as positive reinforcements - I
figure that everyone likes rewards - for those in the work force their reward is a paycheck,
for those that come to YW's theirs is a spiritual experience along with a yummy treat.
On the main table is a basket for handouts, a few extra Book of Mormon's, some True to
the Faith books (one of my all time favorite books in the whole wide world), pencils, etc..

We're all ready for an enriching and enlightening lesson from one of our fantastic leaders!
On to the back wall! It was just blank so I bought 2 bulletin boards and had Bro Fisher put them up for me, we (he) also moved the hymnal case to the east wall (from the west wall where we put the picture of the St George Temple).

^^^Before^^^ and ^^^After^^^
~The End~. . . or should I say, "The Beginning"!
Side note: after the room was finished we started getting a lot of people coming in
during the 2nd block and just hanging out; it was a very inviting and cozy room to be in!