Monday, September 14, 2020
Transfers are this week so there are a lot of excited missionaries coming and going! Fortunately, we live close to the train station so even when they are just doing exchanges, oftentimes they will call us up in case we have a moment to go and say, "Hi" or bring or pick up something from a past companion.
Top, left, corner picture: Far left top row: Elder Falslev. Middle row: Sora Falslev, Sora Haji,
Sora Teuscher, Sora Matthews, Elder Matthews. Front row: Sora Pallo, Sora Pearse and Teodora!
We started our day at a luncheon! Because transfers were this week Sora Teuscher came down from Iasi, Sora Haji came down from Sibiu, Sora Pearse came down from Brasov and Sora Pallo came from across town to all have lunch with Teodora! Teodora is a friend that we met last month; she lives here în București. She has been going up north (close to Iasi) to help her parents with their garden for the last few weeks. Since she happened to be in town this weekend we were all able to get together for lunch on P-Day. Sora Tuescher and Sora Phillips (< not pictured) first met Teodora and began giving her English lessons (although she already speaks english very well). Teodora is the sweetest, kindest and gentlest woman you will ever meet. Once Sora Teucher moved, Sora Phillips and Sora Pallo continued teaching her. It is always so great when the Sora's can get together with old friends and catch up on their lives! We had lunch at "La Maria si Ion" ~ it was fabulous! Top Photo: Elder Ekstrom, far left, then front row: Sora Elmont, Sora Bauco and Sora Gunn (new), Elder Beck. Next row: Sora Tobler (new), Sora Mcafee (new), Sora Workman (new), Sora Pearse, Sora Sorensen (new). Back row: Sora Wilcock (new) and Sora Pallo!
At 10pm the AP's called and asked if we could help with pick-ups at the train station at 1:15am. Of course we said, "Absolutely"! We had 9 missionaries from the USA that made it to Hungary 2 1/2 weeks ago (6 Sisters and 3 Elders). They were quarantined in Hungary but even after their quarantine the borders were still closed so they were stuck in Hungary in a small Airbnb until they could come to Romania. Sora Sorenson had actually been in the Provo MTC (Missionary Training Center) when the pandemic hit and she ended up being sent to AZ for 6+ months; she only has less than a year left ~ crazy (we are so glad she is here now)! The rest of the missionaries vary with the amount of time they have been out; most of them had their MTC experience at home. Last week during Fast and Testimony Sunday we, as a whole mission, fasted and prayed that the missionaries from America, that were assigned to come to Romania, would be able to get across the border from Hungary. As miracles happen this one was a most exciting one and we were thrilled when the plan became reality for them to pack up, board the train and come across the Romanian border! We all held our breath and continued praying that they would not have any difficulties with the border patrol. All went pretty smooth with only a snag here and there but they finally arrived safe and sound and now are official Romanian Missionaries!Front right hand corner: Sora Workman (new) & Sora Pearse (Brasov), Sora Weaver, Sora Wilcock (new) & Sora Pallo (Panduri-Bucaresti), Sora Sorenson (new) w/ Sora Weaver in Ploiesti, Sora Mcafee (new) & Sora Bell (Ploiesti). In the left hand corner we have Sora Gunn (new) & Sora Elmont (coming in at 4'10") serving in Mihai Bravu (Bucaresti)!
We had Sora Sorensen and Sora Mcafee stay with us last night. We dropped them off at our apartment around 2am then went back to the train station and picked up 3 sisters and took them to the apartments they would be staying at until they left Bucaresti tomorrow. We arrived home a little after 3am. Usually in the past we would drive some of the missionaries to their new place of residence but now most all of them are able to take the trains (with their masks and distancing). We are excited to do whatever we can to help (and it was especially nice meeting all the new Sora missionaries)! This morning I got to visit with Sora's Sorenson and Mcafee; such beautiful, amazing young women. It was fun to hear their adventures as missionaries thus far. We took off to the train station around 9am and they met their new companions, Sora's Weaver and Bell, serving in Ploiești! Shortly before all their trains took them to their different destinations, Sora's Workman, Pearse, Wilcock and Pallo joined us!Wednesday and Thursday we had an amazing Hungarian/Romanian Mission Conference with Elder Massimo De Feo. He was born in Taranto, Italy and served a 2 year mission in the Italy Rome Mission. He was sustained as a General Authority Seventy on April 2, 2016. It was such a pleasure being able to hear him through this Zoom Conference; I bet these Zoom Conferences will become the "norm" now that everyone is so computer savvy! Elder De Feo words were so profound as he spoke of the miracle of us being able to stay out in the mission field during the pandemic; he is so kind, thought provoking and truly an inspiration. It was a wonderful two days (6 hours) of learning and pondering. We get to see these adorable Senior Couples every Wednesday at 5pm! These are all the Young Single Adult Senior Couples serving in the European Countries that were able to remain here during the pandemic. Top left are the Womacks serving in Poland, then me/Romania (Bill was at a YSA meeting which is at 6pm the same night ~ most times I will go with him to the church and we will zoom from there but not tonight for some reason 😏). Next are the Meservy's who are the YSA specialists stationed in Germany. At the beginning of the pandemic they were sent home to Utah but were able to come back to Germany this last week. We are so excited to have them back with us! Next are the Johnson's also serving in Poland, then the Knowltons serving in Hungary, next are the Millits who do double duty in Hungary as the Mission Office Asst's. Bottom row are the Johnsons serving in Hungary, her husband was also in a separate meeting tonight and last but not least are the Austins serving in Serbia and taking in a total of 5 countries; Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia (they are both professional dance instructors and taught at BYU)! It is such a joy to hear about their successes and share each other's ideas. We learn what works and what doesn't work from everyone's experiences! It has been great being able to visit with them especially during the beginning of the pandemic. I look forward to this meeting each week and it is one of the highlights of my week! Thursday we had a Service Project for a group that collects clothes, shoes and toys. It was perfect timing as they needed to load the truck up with all the boxes and bags that were already ready to go out to some shelters. Having all 6 of our missionaries there was a true blessing. We mostly sorted womens and baby clothes but whenever we cleared a spot new donations were brought in. This little group just started up 4 months ago and would like to start the process of becoming a NGO. It was a great activity and we'll be helping them out on Tues and Thurs whenever we're available!
Friday we had our last District meeting with this group ~ most of the time it is a big shake-up with many missionaries being moved from our district but this time the only one leaving is Sora Phillips. Although we are so sad to see her go we are super excited for her because she will be going to Brasov (the most beautiful place to serve) AND she will be companions with Sora Peterscak our sweet Hungarian missionary who has been in Sibiu for the last 2 transfers! They will make an adorable pair and do amazing work together! Well, that was our week! Tomorrow we will have (Young) Single Adult "game night" at the Mihai Bravu Building with a sweet spiritual thought and some yummy dessert!