Wednesday, June 12, 2013

~can't stop partying ~ StG ppppp

The YW of the 17th Ward, St George Utah Stake spent their time, effort and many long hours preparing for our PPPPP extravaganza!! It was a huge success!! 
  Personal Progress
  ~Pajama Party~
     Date: Thursday, June 13, 2013
       Time: 4pm-10pm (Leave when you need)
        Location: Sister Matthews Home
         695 North 500 West #14
What to Bring:
-Pillow Case
-Personal Progress book
-Personal Progress journal
-Pajamas (Preferably PINK Pajamas)
-Blanket (Optional)
Favorite Waffle Topping (Optional)
-Favorite Snack (Optional)

Aingeal, Sister Matthews (me) and Dakota!
Each of the YW had many responsibility's that were assigned to them by the Mia Maids.  It was a fantastic evening and we passed off many of our Personal Progress goals!!

The house was completely decorated but somehow, 
in the excitement of it all, pictures were not taken until we went downstairs for games!
Lauryn, Kelli and WyLynn
Playing "Psychology" 
(one of my favorite games in all the world!)!!
Dakota, Codie, WyLynn (on the ground cracking-up) 
Sister Sly, Lauryn, Kelli and Kelli's cousin!!
I cannot, for the life of me, remember what our "quirk" was when WyLynn was the Psychologist but it was a good one as she was in the middle circle for a very long time (as you will be able to see by all the pictures below)!!

Sister Paul, Vanna's little sister on the steps in the background, Codie and Lauryn!!
We have such a great group of Young Women and leaders!! 
Tons of Food, Fun and Laughter!!
Sister Paul, Codie, Sister Sly, WyLynn and Kelli
Kelli's Cousin and Vanna
Lauryn and Vanna
Cutest girls, EVER! Sister Charlene Paul is the Best!!! 
Lauryn is trying to figure out what our "quirks" are!!
Sister Paul, Codie and Lauryn
Sister Paul, Codie and Lauryn
WyLynn, Vanna and Codie
Aingeal, Lauryn, Sister Kelli Sly (who makes all the games super fun) and Dakota!!
Mickell, Vanna and Jenna
Lauryn and Codie
Dakota, Sister Paul, Codie and WyLynn
Dakota, Sister Paul, Codie, Sister Sly, WyLynn and Lauryn

Sister Sly, WyLynn, Lauryn, Kelli and Kelli's cousin
Vanna and Jenna!
Sister Sly,WyLynn, Kelli and Kelli's cousin!
WyLynn, Vanna and Jenna!
Aingeal, Lauryn, Sister Sly and Vanna's baby sister!
Dakota, Kelli, WyLynn and Mickell
Kelli, Kelli's cousin, Mickell and Vanna 
Mickell and Vanna
Aingeal, Lauryn and Sister Sly
Sister Kelley Sly, Dakota, Kelli and Sister Paul
Sister Paul, Mickell and Vanna
Vanna hiding her eyes and waiting patiently for her turn 
while we figure out what our "Quirk" is going to be!!
WyLynn, Vanna and Jenna
"By George, I think she's got it!"

Jenna, Dakota and Me 
I think we are all deciding what our next "Quirk" will be!

I think this is Dakota's gorgeous hair!!!